Applications are required for free and reduced-price meals for 2022-2023 school year. This school year, families who need assistance paying for school meals will be required to submit an application for free and reduced-price school meals for the first time since 2020.
Our school district submitted a waiver to be able to use previous eligibility determinations dating back to school year 2019-20 for the first 30 operating days of school. The 30th operating day is October 18, so if an application has not been submitted and approved by then, prior eligibility will return to full pay on October 19.
In addition to helping with meal prices, the State and Federal government use our district’s free and reduced percentage to determine funding for many of the programs that support our students. It is extremely important that families submit applications, even if they do not intend to eat meals at the school.
Click on the following links to apply. Please contact your school or the district office for a paper application:
My School Apps (English) My School Apps (Spanish)
If you are not sure whether you might qualify, you may use the tables attached to an email that is also being sent.